Work Permit Exceptions
To work in Canada one usually needs a work-permit. However, there are many occupations and cases where a foreign worker can work in Canada without a work permit.
These foreign workers will still require to a Temporary resident Visa or eTA (Electronic Travel Authorization) to enter Canada without a work permit for a temporary basis. Furthermore, these foreign workers may require to present documents from their company at the Port of Entry to support their acceptance in Canada.
The following occupations fall under the list where foreign workers can work in Canada without a work permit.
Athletes their team
- Aviation accident or incident inspector
- Business visitor
- Civil aviation inspector
- Clergy
- Convention organizers
- Crew members
- Emergency service providers
- Examiners and evaluators
- Expert witnesses or investigators
- Foreign government officers
- Foreign representatives and Family members of foreign representatives
- Health care students
- Implied status
- Judges, referees and similar officials
- Military personnel
- News reporters, media crews
- On-campus employment and some Off-campus work
- Performing artists
- Public speakers
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