Canadian citizenship is one of the most embraced and desirable citizenship in the world. To become a Canadian citizen, there are eligibility requirements you will have to fulfil.
Citizenship Application Eligibility Requirements:
- Permanent Resident Status:
- Applicant must have a permanent resident status in Canada and must not be the subject of an immigration investigation, an immigration inquiry or an order from Canadian officials to leave Canada.
- Time Lived in Canada:
- Regardless of the age, completed the required physical presence in Canada, as a permanent resident i.e., 3 years (1095 days) out of a five-year period.
- Before applicant became a permanent resident, their time spent in Canada, within 5 years of applying for citizenship, count as half days (up to 365 days) towards physical presence requirements.
- Income Tax Filing:
- Applicant must have paid their taxes for 3 years during the 5 years prior to their application.
- Language Abilities:
- If the applicant is 18 to 54 years old, they will require to demonstrate that they are able to communicate in either French or English in order to become a Canadian citizen.
- Your Knowledge about Canada:
- If the applicant is 18 to 54 years old, they will need to pass a Canadian citizenship test.
- Criminal Offence:
- If the applicant has committed a crime, in or outside Canada, they may be ineligible for citizenship for a period of time. Time spent serving a term of imprisonment, on parole, or on probation doesn’t count as time they have lived in Canada.
The best way to find out one’s actual residency time is to use the IRCC Residency Calculator.
We at My Global Steps Immigration Inc. help you determine eligibility, gather the documents, pay the fees and, most importantly, complete the application forms. Call us at +1-416-854-6022 or email us at
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