FAMILY SPONSORSHIP Form Sponsors First NameField is required!Field is required!Email AddressField is required!Field is required!Your AddressField is required!Field is required!Sponsors Last NameField is required!Field is required!Your Phone NumberField is required!Field is required! Is the Sponsor a Permanent Resident or Citizen of Canada currently residing in Canada?YesNo Is the Sponsor a Permanent Resident or Citizen of Canada currently residing in Canada?Field is required!Field is required!Describe the Sponsor's family in CanadaField is required!Field is required!Does the Sponsor have a spouse or common-law partner?YesNoDoes the Sponsor have a spouse or common-law partner?Field is required!Field is required!How many children does the Sponsor have under the age of 18?None123456789How many children does the Sponsor have under the age of 18?Field is required!Field is required!Sponsored relation(s):Sponsored relation(s):Field is required!Field is required!- select a option -First choiceSecond choiceThird choice- select a option -Field is required!Field is required!- select a option -First choiceSecond choiceThird choice- select a option -Field is required!Field is required!- select a option -First choiceSecond choiceThird choice- select a option -Field is required!Field is required!Sponsor’s IncomeSponsor’s IncomeField is required!Field is required!For each of the following time periods, please list the Sponsor Gross Annual Income in Canada.For each of the following time periods, please list the Sponsor Gross Annual Income in Canada.Field is required!Field is required!Some questions that may affect your eligibility. Some questions that may affect your eligibility. Field is required!Field is required!Are you receiving social assistance for a reason other than disability?*Neither I nor Co-singerYes, i amYes, My Co-Singer isYes, Both I &My Co-Singer areAre you receiving social assistance for a reason other than disability?*Field is required!Field is required!Have the people you have sponsored in the past received Canadian social assistance.*Not applicableNo, neverYes, but only after when my or my co-signor's undertaking duration was overYes, my co-signor's sponsored peopleYes, my sponsored peopleYes, both my and my co-signor's sponsored peopleHave the people you have sponsored in the past received Canadian social assistance.*Field is required!Field is required!Have you been ordered to leave Canada?Neither I nor Co-singerYes, i amYes, My Co-Singer isYes, Both I &My Co-Singer areHave you been ordered to leave Canada?Field is required!Field is required!Are you currently in prison or similar facility?Neither I nor Co-singerYes, i amYes, My Co-Singer isYes, Both I &My Co-Singer areAre you currently in prison or similar facility?Field is required!Field is required!Is the government of Canada investigating or have charged you to revoke your citizenship?Neither I nor Co-singerYes, i amYes, My Co-Singer isYes, Both I &My Co-Singer areIs the government of Canada investigating or have charged you to revoke your citizenship?Field is required!Field is required!Have you been charged with an offence that has a maximum punishment of at least 10 years of jail time?Neither I nor Co-singerYes, i amYes, My Co-Singer isYes, Both I &My Co-Singer areHave you been charged with an offence that has a maximum punishment of at least 10 years of jail time?Field is required!Field is required!Are you an undischarged bankrupt?Neither I nor my co-singerYes, I amYes, my co-signer isYes, both I and my co-signer areAre you an undischarged bankrupt?Field is required!Field is required!Have you co-signed a sponsorship that people who were sponsored received social assistance?Not applicableNo, neverYes, but only after when my or my co-signor's undertaking duration was overYes, my co-signor's sponsored peopleYes, my sponsored peopleYes, both my and my co-signor's sponsored peopleHave you co-signed a sponsorship that people who were sponsored received social assistance?Field is required!Field is required!Do you owe money to the Canadian Immigration authorities?*Neither I nor Co-singerYes, i amYes, My Co-Singer isYes, Both I &My Co-Singer areDo you owe money to the Canadian Immigration authorities?*Field is required!Field is required!Have you been convicted of sexual offence or any other offence against one of your family members in the past five years?Neither I nor Co-singerYes, i amYes, My Co-Singer isYes, Both I &My Co-Singer areHave you been convicted of sexual offence or any other offence against one of your family members in the past five years?Field is required!Field is required!Is the government of Canada in the processing of making you inadmissible to Canada?Neither I nor Co-singerYes, i amYes, My Co-Singer isYes, Both I &My Co-Singer areIs the government of Canada in the processing of making you inadmissible to Canada?Field is required!Field is required!If you have answered yes to any of the eligibility questions explain the situation in more detail.Field is required!Field is required!Please share with us any special circumstances related to your case, including anything that concerns your family composition.Field is required!Field is required!DateField is required!Field is required!Submit OUR AFFILIATES Services Federal Skilled Traders Canadian Experience Class Federal Skilled Worker Sponsor Your Family Express Entry & PNP Study in Canada PR Card & Citizenship Visit Canada Services Work in Canada Business & Investor Class LMIA-Canadian Employers Caregivers and H&C Inadmissibility and Appeals Additional Services Recruitments Company Home Blogs & Events Services Why RCIC About Us Contact Us Contact Us +1-(780)-628-7373 myglobalstepsimmigration FOLLOW US FollowFollowFollow © 2018-2021 My Global Steps Immigration Inc. 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